Our blog
Combining new ideas, cutting-edge research, and age-old wisdom to find answers to your questions about breathing better, sleeping better, eating better, talking better and feeling better.

Speech and Language Therapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Children with pragmatic language impairment (PLI) or social communication disorder (SCD) can show mild social impairments associated with high-functioning autism or

Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Speech and Language Development
A very timely systematic review and synthesis (Mohammed D, et al., Sleep Med. 2021 May;81:144-153. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.02.015) has just been completed

Non-speech Oral Motor Treatment for Children With Developmental Speech Sound Disorders
Word difficulties in developmental speech sound disorders, whether for structural, sensory or neurophysiological reasons (such as hearing impairment) or of idiopathic

Sleep, Sensory Integration, and Autism
Sensorimotor therapy is integral to SLP intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. A recent scoping review at Colorado State University

Breastfeeding Difficulties, Ankyloglossia, and Frenotomy: A Literature Review
Ankyloglossia causes problems in breastfeeding. Some professionals opt for frenotomy. The literature on the efficacy of this procedure is controversial, however.

Cryostimulation And Recovery From Oropharyngeal Dysphagia After Stroke
Cryostimulation may hold promise in restoring oropharyngeal sensitivity and, by extension, the swallowing reaction, counteracting premature escape of food in patients

Speech and Aging: Article Alert
For those interested in the way speech production and speech perception change in normal aging across the adult lifespan, there is

Variations in Speech-language Pathology Findings Across Teams in Patients With Mouth Breathing
Does the etiology of mouth breathing drive differential diagnoses across clinical disciplines? This is an interesting possibility in multidisciplinary care. There

Severity Evaluation Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Based On Speech Features
Can obstructive sleep apnea be detected in speech signal characteristics? There is a recent study (Ding Y, et al., Sleep Breath.

Language-Independent Sleepy Speech Detection
We wrote yesterday about speech as a potential marker for obstructive sleep apnea, one possible reason for disordered sleep. There is